Validated running balances help you work out the real bottom line
All balances are equal, but some are more equal than others Depending on the bank, and type of account, not all balances are created equally. Banks will generally show you a current balance, which tells you how much money is in your account right now before pending transactions, and an available balance, which tells you…
Status notifications give you real-time updates
A couple of months ago, we introduced our new status page, which we created to level-up the prevailing standards around communicating system notifications and outages to Credit Sense clients. Initially, we made the new feature available via a URL, with promises to bring you a more robust, subscription-based service. Well, it’s here. And while we…
Lead Market live in Canada
We’ve been supporting our Canadian clients for a number of years with Credit Sense and we’re proud to announce they can now also start leveraging the the #1 platform available for selling and buying leads! The Lead Market platform enjoyed by lenders and lead generators in Australia and New Zealand is now available to our…
Introducing our status page
We’re here for you We know that your business depends on our business being up and available 24/7/365. To meet this challenge we invest in our infrastructure ensuring all production environments are Highly Available and deployed across multiple physical sites. To deliver our service we aggregate hundreds of sites and rely on a number of…
Responsible lending compliance just got easier
Responsible lending is a journey of continuous improvement, and as the COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us, on a constantly shifting terrain. And from home. Now we’re all doing it from home. One important aspect of responsible lending is affordability. Affordability assessment requires a reasonable inquiry into the customer’s income and outgoings to understand their ability…
Hardship Support service
A significant number of people have been directly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and are dealing with profound changes to their financial circumstances. Lenders are working hard to support affected customers, however the increased volume of hardship applications can affect their ability to achieve well considered, appropriate and timely outcomes for customers. Hardship management Managing…